Tuesday 20 December 2011

We wish you a Hairy Christmas.

With Christmas just a few days away, and nearly all the last minute items crossed off my list, that leaves me with the task of tackling my list of "beauty" items prior to "the" day.  Over the past few years, I have begun to let myself "go".... so too speak.  I suppose it happened slowly, and really for the most part, I didn't even realize it was happening.  I swore that I would NEVER be one of those mom's who stop doing their make up or hair everyday. Ha! That's the least of my worries!  Do I spend more time in either pajama's or sweat pants than any other item in my closet? I sure do. Do I wear my hair in a ponytail everyday? I sure do.  Do I wear makeup less than 3 days a week? I sure do.
So as usual, I decided that it was time to tend to my bi-yearly cleanup.  The usual, waxing, pedicure, nails, and some hair color.  Now the benefit of being a hairstylist & esthetician has the added bonus of being able to do this all yourself.  The downside....being able to do it all yourself.  Most of the time it's a rushed job, squeezed in at the last minute, and that's if I get it done at all. Often I am applying hair color, in the mirror while my kids are in the tub....or bent over the toilet applying polish to my toes.  All the things that previously were things I did to spoil myself, now are rushed and often messy excuses for my "beauty" routine.  Today, as my kids were in the other room fighting, I was madly applying wax to some very delicate area's, with a thick layer of hair removal cream on my upper lip, all the while hoping that they resolve this themselves, because NO body wants mommy to break in on a fight after I've just finished ripping hair out my body.  It has began to perplex me, why as the years tick by, has the hair on my body seemed to appear in places that I would never have expected.  Why exactly has my upper lip decided to grow a sweater?  
As I work tirelessly at removing hair, trimming hair, shaving hair, coloring hair, my husband on the other hand has decided that he should grow some.  A beard. Can you sense my enthusiasm over this?  I actually make my living by tending too and removing hair. It's probably my least favorite thing to see on a man....after bushy chest or back hair.  Hence the fact that this is my career. Now don't get me wrong, my hubby is a VERY good looking man.  I have been blessed by this fact. I am reminded of this fact constantly when either friends or clients let me know, just how hot he is.  I am flattered. However facial hair is where I draw the line. In fact it got me to thinking. What if I stopped ALL my primping?  What if I just let myself turn into a sasquatch?  I mean some days, I'm practically there anyways.  Why not let it go a little further? What if during the winter months, I didn't shave my legs at all?  What about letting that uni-brow that I love so very much, grow in completely?  How about my underarm hair....how far would it actually grow?  Bikini line...would it just join up with my furry legs and become one solid patch of fur?  
Then it occurred to me.  I don't actually do the things I do, for my husband.  I do think it's an added bonus that it makes me more attractive to him , because let's face it, once your husband has seen you during child birth, any little bit helps.  I do it for me.  It makes me feel like I can face the day, and anything that it throws at me.  And frankly, let's be honest here.  Not one single part of me wants to run into either one of my....or God forbid, his exes, while I'm looking like a just crawled out of a cave.  So this Christmas season, I am very happy that I managed to find a few extra minutes in the day to make myself look a little more presentable.  I'm happy knowing, that perhaps one day, when my kids look back on our family photos, they can look at me as someone who took care of themselves....on special occasions at least. I will suck up my own personal distaste for my hubby's personal grooming choice (or lack there of) this year, and let him grow out the beard because, at the end of the day, I love him...hair and all.  I do wonder however,  if he will feel the same about my fur pants that I plan to let grow in promptly after the new year.  I mean really, what a special Valentines gift.  Don't you think?

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